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by Gunjan Srivastava on Apr 21, 2008 01:19 PM  Permalink 

a spouse (wife ) is working ad not jointly applying for a home loan , then also she can be a coapplicant

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7th STEP
by Tanmay on Dec 05, 2004 04:16 PM  Permalink 

7th STEP : And believe me a very important one ....MAKE SURE YOU HAVE PROOF OF IT RETURNS or FORM 16 of the past 2 years work experience. Banks do not even issue sanction letter without this document.

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Home Loans for NRIs
by Nirmallya Roy on Dec 03, 2004 04:55 PM  Permalink 

I shall really appreciate if some one can elaborate on the procedures for availing Home loans for NRIs and the relevant requisitions for the same.

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