RE:Viru Sehwag is a pakistani
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:32 PM Permalink
Wow What a Gr8 Observation and Fantastic Logic, Kepp it Up in Ur Armpits Only, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, LOL.
RE:SachinTheGreat is not even KG Pass
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:23 PM Permalink
SRK will call lalus in his show who are better educated than this moron called SachinTheGreat...ab bahut ho gaya chai le ke aa mere liye chotu....hahahahahaha
KKR is the Worst Behaved Team in IPL, They were placed Last in Fair Play Points Table, Obviously when U have Owner and Captain like those they will be Last in Fair Play Points table.........................
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
shah rukh khan is a sore luza.....
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:22 PM Permalink
and u with a nick called depressed is a super sore luza
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:13 PM Permalink
Good Reply................
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
u must be gay partners wd Sourav. i nevr saw sm1 as obsessd wd ganguly & his team as you are. Let Ganguly know of this and he wud be flatterd 2 kno sm1 spends most of his life thinkin abt him (whthr its flowers or brickbats!)
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:12 PM Permalink
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Frustrated Moron, U Lack Cricket Knowledge that is why Ur Replying Back in Non-Cricketing Ways, Look at Depressed who is KKR Fan but what a Gr8 Reply......................
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:13 PM Permalink
and what great cricketing knowledge do you exibit from that marvellous post of urs (that u kip posting 1000 times a day!!)
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
those who cannot fight properly r those who resort to insults to try to win their case...debate it out nd state ur point of view and back it up with evidence or stats....first rule of a debater...
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:18 PM Permalink
i agree wd u dude. but hez a lost case. no need to debate wd tht mental case!
he has posted the same stuff agn n agn n agn 1000 times.. so its no use debating wd him..
well i can surely debate wd u. abt the topic? ya they didnt behave well and thts why they are at the bottom of ther points table. Period. whos disagreeing?
its one thing to raise a topic its anothr thing to go arnd bashing sm1 mindlessly like this retard named Sachin does.
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:21 PM Permalink
Then Give Explanatio, I am Waiting with My Bated Breath, Do U want Me to List why they were Last in the Points Table, Should I go Ahead, Tell Me, Should I Give Explanation on why thewy were Last in the Points Table....................
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:25 PM Permalink
wots their to explain mental?
why wud i evn start to find out explanations?? they behaved badly and are at the bottom.
wot do u need more? a SWOT analysis?? u hav ample time for that you dnt hav much homework in school. i dnt hav tht much time.
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:29 PM Permalink
@depressd the prev one was for stg!
u think stating something for 1000 times a day is proff enuff for his sanity??
id tn disagree wd the facts. but hez a sur mental case stating the same thin agn n agn.. u havnt seen his earlier comments mebe. his whole life revolves arnd Ganguly n KKR.. even if they r nowhr in the scene! and he has made this post of fair play atleast 1000 times!!
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 05:24 PM Permalink
dude....i am a girl... and stg is perfectly sane and has a logical explanation for his opinions.......
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 05:23 PM Permalink
dude....i'm a dudette.... and don't insult any1....stg is a perfectly sane person and he has always explained his logic behind his thoughts....
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:15 PM Permalink
I am Asking the Question again and again bcoz Non-Cricketing People like U are not giving Proper Reply, Ur not able to Defend KKR, BTW I have not used any Abusive Language towards Saurav ganguly........................
RE:RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:14 PM Permalink
just curious.. which class are you in?
panchvi pass yet?
my comments mite give awy my low cricketing knowledge as u suggest but ur comments do give awy the blatant truth tht u aint in sixth grade yet!!!!
RE:RE:RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:18 PM Permalink
Is there anything that is Abusive about KKR or Saurav Ganguly, I am Stating Facts which is given by SET MAX Themselves, Cant U Reply Back and Explain wwhy they are at the Bottom of Fair Play Awards Points Table.................
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:35 PM Permalink
well u moron!! thts the diffrnc.. i aint giving any explanation!!! chaliyaz right u not evn kg pass!
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:20 PM Permalink
wot is thr to explain u reatrd?
do i disagree wd those facts????? but u cross the line by posting the same thing agn n gan n agn 10000 times!!!
CAN U SEE IT?? (wrote in caps so u mite as well.. fingrs crossd!!)
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:20 PM Permalink
ur not even KG pass hahahahahaha
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:24 PM Permalink
So this is Ur Explanation of why they were Last in the Fair Play Awards Points Table, Wait for a While I will Give Explanation as to why they were Last.....................
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:36 PM Permalink
jus did Chaliya! thot u must be knowin tht ;) shud hav askd this qstn to ur m-o-m or s-i-s b4 askin me! ;)
RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:24 PM Permalink
nishant...ur mind is totally ashant...didn't u get laid yet?
RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:22 PM Permalink
ya i think so too. he isnt KG pass yet but i got a hunch hez better thn u!!
RE:RE:RE:KKR Worst Behaved Team in IPL.........................................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:12 PM Permalink
This was Meant for Shaitaan OOPS Nishant................
RE:Irfan Pathan
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:09 PM Permalink
Yes Irfan pathan was vewry much Upset when he got out, In Fact he Threw away his Bat when he was at the Boundary Ropes.................
she is the most arrogant himachal ki aurat..btw does anyone know zinta is a hindu name or is she posing as hindu...i heard zintas are products of british masters royally f**king some himachal low this true?
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Clean Bowled on Jun 01, 2008 05:01 PM Permalink
not sure about this news, but even if it is true, she is far better than you in each and every respect.
RE:RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:02 PM Permalink
how do u know that? atleast i don't waste my time going around like a vela to all matches instead of doing work..and posing as team owner when it is bought out of my fiancee's money
RE:RE:RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:06 PM Permalink
so let her be. did tht in any way affectur life? atleast she has achieved something in life. what hav u done u moron?
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
cant say mch abt the zintas being f**ked by British or not.. not mch info thr.. but frm ur post i can safely conclude tht some zinta surely did royally f**k ur whole clan.
RE:RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:06 PM Permalink
yabut frst kno tht i f**ked ur m-o-m & brought ur d-a-d in2 this world. now go l**k ur a$$!
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:21 PM Permalink
help the slum dwellers in ur city who have made it city of UP bihar gutter
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:25 PM Permalink
ashant i am not even talking to u...ur mind seems frenetic..suffering from any disorder?
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
cant say mch abt the zintas being f**ked by British or not.. not mch info thr.. but frm ur post i can safely conclude tht some zinta surely did royally f**k ur whole clan.
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Ajay on Jun 01, 2008 04:59 PM Permalink
some of you female relative from himachal? probably you are half cousin with "zinta" i hope you like this..:)
RE:i loved it when priety lost
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:01 PM Permalink
no but i am sure some brits f**ked u bangloreans too looooooooooooolzzzzz...bangalore was original cantonment town meaning f**king town of india for the brits
by Chaliya on Jun 01, 2008 05:00 PM Permalink
yeah who looks at jhopdas around? no wonder with people's apathy, mumbai has become a slum city went out to be next new york instead became next UP ka gutter....
by Clean Bowled on Jun 01, 2008 05:04 PM Permalink
that is bound to happen in a country of 1 billion people. whcih ever city rise people from small town and villages will migrate there to earn their livelyhood. previously it was kolkata now its mumbai. It will take atleast 25 more year for india to be developed fully
by Ajay on Jun 01, 2008 04:55 PM Permalink
good to know htat... its raining here in bangalore.. no power too...dont know if it will come back by 8 or not..
south india is the best...providing good jobs...basically giving bread and butter to north they can feed there sisters and wives... in return they dont ask for anything..
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:40 PM Permalink
Punjab Team was Heavily Dependent on Shaun Marsh, Luke Pommersbach, Kumara Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene, When all these Plyers Failed in the Crucial Semi-Finals Match, They Crumbled, That's It.....................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 04:44 PM Permalink
i think it was stupid of yuvraj to play jayawardene insted of pomersbach in the semis...shaun marsh and luke pomersbach are a dangerous partnership and i have seen them blasting together other than in the IPL....jayawardene has been a flop in the IPL compared to shaun marsh and luke pomersbach...
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:50 PM Permalink
Yes I still dont know why Yuvraj Singh Dropped Luke Pommersbach who is a Brilliant Fielder as well, His Partnership with Shaun Marsh was always Dangerous in this IPL, Why did he give only 1 Over to Sreesanth in Yesterdays Match is also a Mystery, Why Wilkin Mota was Picked for thiws Crucial Match is also not Understandable, I think he made a Lot of Blunders just like Viru Sehwag made in the First Semi-Finals......................
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 04:55 PM Permalink
exactly....luke and shaun hav been openers for WA and know how to get their partnership going and wat their strengths and weaknesses are...if luke had played in place of jayawardene yesterday....punjab cud hav won the game....and i think playing tanmay srivastava wud hav been a wiser move than debuting mota....
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 05:00 PM Permalink
Yes Tanmay hrivastava has Always Played well whenever he was given a Chance to Play, He is Good Allrounder Prospect...............
by Frankenstein on Jun 01, 2008 04:35 PM Permalink
Punjab could have had a very good chance and saying that we can not underestimate chennai aswell.
by depressed on Jun 01, 2008 04:40 PM Permalink
but chennai still haven't proven themselves against rajasthan.....punjab hav already blasted them apart.....
I was in a hope that i might see another genuine fast bowler from india might come up in this IPL.
Still there is corruption prevaling in board that they are not picking up good players cuz they dont have power, money or a dad who works in board or politics.
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:35 PM Permalink
Ur Absoluely Right, Good Players are not Getting Chance, it is not evne the BCCI which is Playing Politics, But Franchise like KKR who Played Big Time Politics, Remeber KKR Owners Threw out 5 Talented Indian Domestic Players from Hotel Rooms, That shows that not even BCCI but Saurav Ganguly and SRK Played Politics.....................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:44 PM Permalink
That is what always happens, Real Talented Domestic Players like Ranadeb Bose are never given Chance by Politicians like Saurav Ganguly, Can U Believe that Ranadeb Bose is the Most Successful Bowler for Bengal from Last 2 Years, Yet he does not get even one Chance to Play for KKR.............
by Nishant on Jun 01, 2008 05:01 PM Permalink
you were talkin of Ranadeb not getting a chnc.. ya i to feel he should hav given one chnc atleast.
but thn agn, hez not a fast bowler. he is medium pace. wd tht u can get success in domestic circuit but in internation matches it may not be tht effective, also in whose place he cud hav playd?
ever thiot of tht b4 mindlessly bashing arnd sm1? in Ishants, or Guls or Shoainbs or Dindas place? Dinda u cud hav said, but he has been quite successful i feel.
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:56 PM Permalink
And Here Comes the Devil, Shaitaan Ka Naam Lo aur Woh Hazir Hota Hai, Kaise Ho Shaitaan OOPS Nishant.....................
by SachinTheGreat on Jun 01, 2008 04:53 PM Permalink
He was the Most Successful owler for Bengal from Past 2Years, In Fact they made it to the Finals of the Ranji Trophy in 2007 Bcoz of his Magnificent Bowling Spell, Give Credit where it is Due.....................