RE:Can someone tell me?
by suresh kasu on Apr 30, 2008 01:09 PM Permalink
Only Ponting,Symonds & Mike Hussey will depart, Mcgrath ,Shane warne & Watson are here plz. judge yrself
RE:Can someone tell me?
by Red Pascal on Apr 30, 2008 12:52 PM Permalink
So the players that hold the world cup in 20/20 are not exactly a "bunch of chokers"- chokers refers to people who fail on the big occaision- Like the Aussies in the 20/20 world cup- they did not even make the finals- so good riddance to the real chokers. Though some chokers remain- the paki's who threw a hard fought win away thanks to Miss Bah !
why kumble dravid likes got themselves into IPL when they know they are underperformer and too slow? kumble is going for money with nothing to Kumble should write more about to handle fame and money when you are worth nothing.
can you compare on field attitudes of Dravid and Shane warne?
RE:Can someone tell me?
by sudeep sachin on Apr 30, 2008 01:04 PM Permalink
whatever the format may be both of them can suceed. In any format of the game without talent and the experience you cannot perform Who else have better experience than Dravid, Kumble, Sachin. They will deffinitely perform well in 20-20 also. Just wait and watch. Same people who have discarded Dravid in the begining later on Praised him, for playing so well in Onday Format. Just Go back to 1999-2003. And check the statistics of Dravid. Dravid is far Better than Warne on field and offield
RE:Can someone tell me?
by Sandeep saxena on Apr 30, 2008 12:52 PM Permalink
remember JOSHI ... F.. I tell you what Dravid it out of his mind. He is helping his Cricket friends make some money. Tell you what DHONI rocks. It was good Dravid was thrown out of captancy
RE:Can someone tell me?
by vaman aphale on Apr 30, 2008 12:55 PM Permalink
You are a first class idiot. If some body earns money why you should bother. They have a value seen by Mr. Mallya who is a very good businessman & is not a fool o do so. After all matches are conducted by IPL to earn money for themselves not for any other cause & whoever can draw crowd are contracted. Why you want to compare warne & Dravid
RE:Can someone tell me?
by Nirav Ashar on Apr 30, 2008 12:58 PM Permalink
There is nothing wrong in earning money. But one should know to how to handle success and money. Its a matter of one match that Dravid & Kumble will perform, and you will eat your words.
RE:Can someone tell me?
by ravi shankar on Apr 30, 2008 12:55 PM Permalink
When IPL RC team owner is confident about Dravid & Kumble like SRK is confident about Gangu and Ambani is confident about Sachin what is the problem for you guy?If you have big money , own one IPL team and search for the local team members and you will know it all!You can not for the city team without including city guys!
I entirely agree with Kumble's assessment that some of these young cricketers have come up too easily and fast and are not able to handle the wealth and fame that they get from the game. It needs a maturity and some psychological assistance. Tendulkar and Kumble himself are two good examples who have taken their fame and wealth correctly. I am afraid even some other senior cricketers need counselling as they do not accept being dropped in the interest of future players being inducted into the international arena. NO INDIAN cricketer has retired from the game gracefully unless he is dropped!! Perhaps Venkatesh Prasad and Srinath are good examples of cricketers who took up other roles in the game. The IPL matches have shown some young blood who can be coached and brought into the game for the future, though I think the money element has taken the gentleman's spirit out of th game.
I totally agree with Kumble's openion.Being professional himself in cricket coupled with his engineering knowledge and above all having watched so many episodes of stressful controversaries of his colleages ,Kumble has opined the right solutions for the young cricketers who suddently shot to fame and wealth and knowing how to handle it!
RE:Professional help for indian cricketers
by ravi shankar on Apr 30, 2008 12:43 PM Permalink
Professional help for indian cricketers by ravi shankar on Apr 30, 2008 12:41 PM | Hide replies
I totally agree with Kumble's openion.Being professional himself in cricket coupled with his engineering knowledge and above all having watched so many episodes of stressful controversaries of his colleages ,Kumble has opined the right solutions for the young cricketers who suddently shot to fame and wealth and not knowing how to handle it!
Do Bajji/Sreesanth need anything else ???? absolutely correct Mr. Kumble. I guess these so called young guns of TEAM INDIA should lean from Sachin, Kumble Dravid. How to handle pressure/fame/money. There is no better lesson for Bajji/Sreesanth than observing their fellow teammates ! Somebody from BCCI should tell them what is the difference between these words "FAMOUS-InFAMOUS". Best way is to ask these two players to sit at home for an year.
Bhajji sacrificed his career for the sake of Mumbai team and no body from Mumbai, not even sachin came to his rescue. It would be better if Bhajji joins Dada'team Kolkatta. Dada likes Bhajji and Bhajji will play in a relaxed mood for Dada. Ganguly would hv certainly stood by Bhajji had he been playing for Kolkatta.
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by bharat on Apr 30, 2008 12:41 PM Permalink
As if other teams are waiting for him with open arms! Who wants Bhajji anyway?
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by bharat on Apr 30, 2008 12:46 PM Permalink
Records show that except for a few odd good performances, Bhajji is an ordinary bowler except on turning tracks where any spinner can be a dada! He is more of a liability than an asset!
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by andrew jeyathilagar on Apr 30, 2008 12:46 PM Permalink
Giving a slap to his opponent is for the sake of Mumbai? Try to use your commonsense before writing Mr.JV. What is all about? If he played a good cricket and made Mumbai win it is called for the sake of Mumbai he played and won but this is a completely different scenario attacking someone to show is anger is a shameful act.Dont try to justify his act.
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by super success on Apr 30, 2008 12:44 PM Permalink
you are right. sharad pawar usually listen sachin tendulkar but he is not at all interested in saving bhajji , upon that they suspended umpire amish saheba for taking bhajji side for 2 match. now why tendulkar is silent?????? if tendulkar want bhajji can be ban for at most 3 to 4 match but master blaster(selfish) is silent
RE:RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by suresh kasu on Apr 30, 2008 01:23 PM Permalink
It seems Harbos slap has aggravated Sachins injury was it tennis elbow to sachin & tennis brain to Harbo
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by Koduvayur on Apr 30, 2008 12:52 PM Permalink
once again you are expressing your intelligence (or lack of it). One former Australian Test umpire Lou Rowan on Wednesday has gone to the extent of calling Harbhajan Singh a menace on the field and is asking for life ban for the slapping incident. We should not go that far but what he got (ban plus fine) is sufficient and will teach him a lesson. Everybody wants Bhajji back in the team but without his antics. He should behave properly as a true sportsman.
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by ravi shankar on Apr 30, 2008 12:46 PM Permalink
It means Dada support unjust things!When Bajji himself admitted his mistake what sachin et al will do?
RE:RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by suresh kasu on Apr 30, 2008 01:17 PM Permalink
Gt him married yaar His wife wl surely file for domestic violence if so ,dudh ka dudh pani hi pani
RE:Bhajji should not play for Mumbai in future
by arya sekhar on Apr 30, 2008 12:43 PM Permalink
Thanks for UR support Man but guess what is not Mumbai No one in the world has ever done it what bhajii done till now in the cricking history no one beat anyone in the field He should be banned min 1 year
RE:Can someone tell me
by jv on Apr 30, 2008 12:42 PM Permalink
because they r circumcised. Had Bhajji been a muslim, no body would hv dared to take any action against him.
RE:Can someone tell me
by sridhar k on Apr 30, 2008 12:50 PM Permalink
This was purely a discussion on Cricket, do we really need people questioning other peoples religion and language. Where are we heading with all these. The moment we step out from our homes, we cease to exist as hindus,muslims and sikhs or marathis, Gujus or Punjabis. We are just indians and every other fellow on the street is as much a Indian as we are. So please stop asking the integrity of people.
RE:Can someone tell me
by Final Arbiter on Apr 30, 2008 12:47 PM Permalink
they are residents of "western ghaats", that is why ... but they are now called "ban manoos"
RE:Can someone tell me
by Cricket on Apr 30, 2008 12:50 PM Permalink
cause maharastra is full of ghats (small hills) and all maharastrians some how or the other belong to one ghat.