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its happen again
by Santosh Sinha on Apr 03, 2008 05:52 PM  Permalink 

It will happen again and again and see how our bowler fail miserably in India.If you go from record our redcord is poor in india now adays due to our fast bowler doing good in helpful wicket in abroad.

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We shouldn't discourage team India
by narendra verma on Apr 03, 2008 05:52 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Highs and lows are part of life. We should always remember that we are current T-20 champs and recently beaten Australia in their home ground three times to win CB series. It's fine if we fail on one day but it's more important to perform and win consistently.

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RE:We shouldn't discourage team India
by siva kesavan on Apr 03, 2008 06:05 PM  Permalink

I reckon this one is more appropriate to Australia. They have been consistent winners for over a decade and are the real champions. These Indian jokers would pull one once in a blue moon and then claim that they are the world's best. But today's game showed who they really are! Funny isn't!

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RE:We shouldn't discourage team India
by ajay patel on Apr 03, 2008 06:08 PM  Permalink
we accept the failure of player, say 2-3 players but here its whole team, see how many of them touch the double figure ? Its true highs and lows are part of life but for all at same time ? can't believable.

U just think,

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RE:We shouldn't discourage team India
by sudhir sogani on Apr 03, 2008 06:03 PM  Permalink
for how long u are going to harp on this one victory. remember te no of times we have lost miserably to the aussies, this one victory is also on account of mental pressure of the scribes which prevented them to perform to teir potential. come october and u will see for yourself. friend remember one swallow does not make a summer.

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by Agnel on Apr 03, 2008 05:49 PM  Permalink 


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Good statistics
by Indian on Apr 03, 2008 05:48 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

good statistics, keep it up

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RE:RE:Good statistics
by on Apr 03, 2008 10:52 PM  Permalink
Predicting power of these statistics is enormous. Indians have been most easily predictable most of their cricketing history. Recently they have performed some of unpredictable feats. Was it because of any real improvement? I would doubt it. They continue to display their talents whenever their opponents cannot discover their failings. We hardly notice any re-shaping or re-moulding in them to make them better. Victory for India would only be a miracle. Draw, in view of their track record, is impossible and, therefore, should be considered as a victory for them.

India has been consistantly producing highest number of first class cricketing talent. Should India be given credit for that or mother nature. In case of India it is almost entirely nature alone that deserves any credit. Nature always produce a bell-shaped curve and the lowest and the highest always form a small but more or less fixed portion of the total. India is by far more populous than all cricketing nations combined. No wonder they have bigger number of talents. But a diamond is not valued and appreciated fully only because of its size and natural appearance. It must be excellently cut, polished and symmetrical what may even take away more than half of it but would certainly add more value to it than its loss. India has no dearth of diamond craftsmen ( potentially great coaches.) Having remained slave longer than any other nation worth the name, Indians continue to believe that'made only in the wh

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