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The future of Indian Cricket is in right hands
by pratham mumbai on Sep 27, 2007 04:43 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Heard that Mr Pawar was a very good batsman in his youg, Mr Shah was a very good bowler, Mr. Shukla was very good wicket Keeper though they had not played a single first class match. Now it is understood why they are in BCCI. The future of Indian Cricket is in right hands. LOL

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RE:The future of Indian Cricket is in right hands
by Ragu Raman on Sep 27, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
Who was the fielder yaar!

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RE:The future of Indian Cricket is in right hands
by cebu jonas on Sep 27, 2007 04:50 PM  Permalink

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RE:The future of Indian Cricket is in right hands
by love on Sep 27, 2007 04:53 PM  Permalink
fielder was none other than dalmiya,,,he is presently recuperating, but he will be back with a bang,, just keep watching him..he never gives up,, infact the finest catcher in the cricket world.

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Rajiv Shukla.. ur time is over.
by love on Sep 27, 2007 04:42 PM  Permalink 

I too agree with my fellow rediff friends,, why is that shukla always with the team, is he a BROKER, i have seen him on t.v. many times along with the cricketers.. he is a No.1 Chamcha of the congress,, i want the young india to throw this type of ppl soon out of our beloved country..
jai hind.

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Clowning glory.............Netas' T20....
by cebu jonas on Sep 27, 2007 04:41 PM  Permalink 

The reception was so clowny...

cut outs of netas

and yong netas throwing fists in air...

party flags...

politicians winning chair-play vs cricketers...

champions were pushed back when netas appeared

and local language welcome to national team victory...

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Think again
by pandharinath prabhurajivadekar on Sep 27, 2007 04:40 PM  Permalink 

Whatever reports we have been reading makes one point that seniors like sachin/dravid/ganguly doesnot have place in the team now. I think we are in a hurry . Let us not forget this was only 20-20 game where every plyer can play 11 balls and there is no time to think. In regular game even in one day you need determination/planning and most of all skill.
Noway anybody can question supremecy of the three seniors on the game. In 20-20 it is only proved that Dhoni can be good captain but others have lot to prove. Even Doni is struggling with bat. Nothing to talk about his keeping its one of the most ordinary thing. Kartik is way better than him.
In short let the series with aus and pak be over then let us see.or else the situation may come where dhoni has to run to Delhi to save himself from angry crowd loke what happened after the world cup

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Mallu Effect
by nyjil d on Sep 27, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

With all credits to Indian team, Misbah scooped the ball to no man area. But he didnt know that there is a malayali in every corner of the world.

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RE:Mallu Effect
by love on Sep 27, 2007 04:49 PM  Permalink
there is also a punjabi n a tamilian n a telugu in every corner of the world,, so an indian is there everywhere.
jai hind n jai bharat.

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by bandu bondu on Sep 27, 2007 04:30 PM  Permalink 

If we can do this result without Coatch, We can do better than this if BCCI has no such Stupid member who never touch batt or ball.Hope u u/stnd what I want to say is.

Team INDIA won the match but Team India was seated back row and front row occupied by BCCI official.What a FUNNY .THIs is possible in INDIA only.

We cant kick them out from BCCI???

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Who is Rajiv Shulka?
by Samik Biswas on Sep 27, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Who is this Rajiv Shukla? What does he done for Cricket? Has he even lifted a bat in his life? He is just a free loader and it was offensive to see him sitting on the front seat yesterday..

And unlike other politicians, he hasnt even won a single vote in his life.

His life story is proof that chamchagiri and licking boots will get you to high places in India

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RE:RE:Who is Rajiv Shulka?
by bandu bondu on Sep 27, 2007 04:32 PM  Permalink
Bhai SUKLA is man who looted BCCI amount. What He did in S/africa,? jst Expence done by him.

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RE:Who is Rajiv Shulka?
by bandu bondu on Sep 27, 2007 04:32 PM  Permalink
Bhai SUKLA is man who looted BCCI amount. What He did in S/africa,? jst Expence done by him.

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RE:Who is Rajiv Shulka?
by Frank Opinion on Sep 27, 2007 04:37 PM  Permalink
he is not worse than jaywant lele. is he?

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RE:Who is Rajiv Shulka?
by Zing on Sep 27, 2007 05:09 PM  Permalink
Now Lele is another looter. He only does le le.

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Divide and rule
by sanjay shrivastava on Sep 27, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Notice the announcement of awards from various states , thus dividing the team into people from various states, where is so called CENTRAL LEADERS , why dont they annouce similar awards to all players of team as TEAM INDIA, why they neglected HOCKEY...this is to divide media and people in states and religion ...

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RE:Divide and rule
by venkatesh chitradurga on Sep 27, 2007 04:56 PM  Permalink
Karnataka Chief Minister yesterday announced Rs.2 Lakhs to each Hocky Players who represented in Indian Team from Karnataka State. I hope the other states also follow the same to other Hocky Players who represented In Indian Team respectively. The team deserves all encourgement from every walks of life.

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RE:Divide and rule
by Mayank Singh on Sep 27, 2007 04:30 PM  Permalink
they cannot as the cricket team is a private team of BCCI and is not a national team. BCCI is a pvt body.

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RE:Divide and rule
by prathiush thonikadavu on Sep 27, 2007 04:39 PM  Permalink
What about the state govt rewards?

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Joginder is life less
by OOPS on Sep 27, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Joginder has no contribution at all in this wkt, it was all from misbah and a dlooy catch by shreesanth. Joginder still remain useless bowler, especially in ODI's . He has never bowled a single ball on the WKt

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RE:Joginder is life less
by Author on Sep 27, 2007 04:29 PM  Permalink
Good copy paste work, except the last line. Atleast you should have tried to correct the spelling of dolly


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RE:Joginder is life less
by srini H on Sep 27, 2007 04:28 PM  Permalink
True ,.. Luckely he was not asked to bowl in the bowl out against PAK in the first match

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RE:Joginder is life less
by srini H on Sep 27, 2007 04:27 PM  Permalink
True ,.. Luckely he was not asked to bowl in the bowl out against PAK in the first match

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by Frank Opinion on Sep 27, 2007 04:25 PM  Permalink 

read pages 1 to 5. the sense of humour today is exceptional and never seen before. well done guys

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