RE:joginder panwallah
by Gorango Thakurta on Sep 28, 2007 04:28 AM Permalink
... and you are a pandalund for saying such a dumb thing. Remember he is not an actor or a nautanki, he is an athlete... so there is no need to talk about what he looks like.
RE:joginder panwallah
by sudhir dhar on Sep 28, 2007 08:42 AM Permalink
Hey B, His panwala dad produced a cricketer. Your dad produced a low class idiot. B, I think Joginders dad wins easily against your dad.
RE:joginder panwallah
by Crick fan on Sep 28, 2007 03:24 AM Permalink
Whatever profession his father is in he will be much proud of Jiginder today. No value for looks but deeds my friend.
RE:joginder panwallah
by Vimal Kamdar on Sep 28, 2007 12:08 PM Permalink
YEAH AND HE IS BETTER THAN YOU, atleast made his country proud...what does your dad do....sweep the streets?
One run victory? If this is true and I understood it correctly, that is too aggressive. We have been waiting for aggressive captain, but one who aims for 1 run victory? That is over the line.
RE:One run victory?
by HariKrishna Alur on Sep 27, 2007 08:33 PM Permalink
This must have been quoted just for that sake. Sharma must be out of his mind to say that.
I wonder who is going to lead India in the test matches? My pick would be Laxman sine he is a certainty for the tests andhe is the youngest of the Big 4.
Why they need to meet Sonia Gandhi? Why not Advani, JJ, Mulayam Singh Yadav and all other sundry netas? PM is ok but why the lady? Sycopahncy to the core from the BCCI. Why invite other players for the function? They were not in the team who won. Glad that BCCI dropped the trio.
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by Cricket s on Sep 27, 2007 06:32 PM Permalink
You know who the PM is, don't you? CON-G-RASS is a bunch of Cons controled by a Con
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by santosh srivastav on Sep 27, 2007 07:11 PM Permalink
faaltu ka tamasha hai yaar....these bloooody come in lime light they now taking help of criketers....same happened in mumb all politicians were sitting in the first row as if they have won the cup and non of the players were visible except dhoni.........
shoot at site saaalo ko......i dont know since hw long we have see these bloody buddaas
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by infraGuyGotAMail on Sep 28, 2007 10:56 AM Permalink
sale sab mar jayenge tho kaun lead karega...Aur jho naye ayenge inse jayada hi corrupt honge......
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by Crick fan on Sep 28, 2007 03:27 AM Permalink
Why only Sonia ? Why not Great Jaylalitha. and Mamta Banerjee?? Sabhi matayon se ashirwaad le lo.
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by Ajithkumar Nair on Sep 28, 2007 11:17 AM Permalink
Not only Sonia, include Patil,Ambika soni, Brinda karat,Mayavati,renuka choudhari,Jayalalitha,M Baherji and another few more so that they can play a 20/20 game
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by Rohan on Sep 27, 2007 07:08 PM Permalink
I dont understand this fixation with Sonia Gandhi too?? Isnt she a foreigner with Italian citizenship?
RE:Why meet Sonia Gandhi?
by Mayur Soni on Sep 27, 2007 07:27 PM Permalink
no she is an indian. and if u know politics well enough, she is the PM of our country.