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Bad reporting.
by Truth Seeker on Sep 27, 2007 07:52 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Gujarat has announced 11 lakhs for each player, and 5 lakhs extra for Pathan brothers. Please don't assume things. Looks like you are being paid by Congress to insult BJP leaders.

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RE:Bad reporting.
by Jeffrey Mittal on Sep 27, 2007 08:54 AM  Permalink
I agree
? Anything to pull down Modi?
here is the story FROM REDIFF's site

Guj govt declares Rs five lakh award for Pathan brothers

Two days after India won the Twenty20 cricket World Cup in Johannesburg, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today announced Rs five lakh award for Pathan brothers -- Irfan and Yusuf -- members of the team which defeated Pakistan.

Cabinet minister I K Jadeja confirmed to PTI that the government will be giving Rs five lakh award to the both the cricketers from Vadodara.

The announcement of the award from the state government comes after the state unit of the Congress party hit out at the government for 'ignoring' the spectacular performance of the Vadodara duo.

The step by the Gujarat government comes only after chief ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala and Delhi announced cash awards for the players hailing from their state.

Yesterday, Gujarat Cricket Assocation (GCA) also announced that it will felicitate all members of the victorious Twenty20 team on the sidelines of the NKP Salve Challenger Series which will be held next month at the Sardar Patel stadium at Motera near here.

Earlier in the day, the Baroda Cricket Association (BCA) also announced a cash reward of Rs 11 lakh to each member of the cricket team.

"Both Irfan and Yusuf had played an important role in the historic win of India over arch rivals Pakistan in the final of t

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RE:RE:Bad reporting.
by Jeffrey Mittal on Sep 27, 2007 08:56 AM  Permalink
Hwne I see people racting without bothering to check the facts, it is ovious how easily they are manipulated by hte pseudo-secular propoganda.

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religion in politics
by on Sep 27, 2007 07:46 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

man this doesnt really come as a surprise. wats modis problem in life. cant he and the rest of his right wing party members leave aside a players religion n juss weigh his contribution to the team n country. for god's sake he was the man of the match in the final! well i can understand he is doing it fulfill his political ambitions. wat i cant understand is in this modern day how r the ppl of this country allowing themselves to be taken for a ride by these maniacs in the name of religion!

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RE:religion in politics
by Lucky B on Sep 27, 2007 09:39 AM  Permalink
People like you are real problem who starts bubbling abuses without verifying any facts. Grow up.

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RE:religion in politics
by badshahforever on Sep 28, 2007 11:48 PM  Permalink
wat facts? and wat abuses. i cant find any?

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Rediff is truly a cheappo
by TandooriRasamKadhi rosgula on Sep 27, 2007 07:45 AM  Permalink 

Stop posting such nonsense. Gujarat also announced awards for their players. Dump such such "Prasanna Zore" kind of F graders..

Don't spread such reasons for the haterd............

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what a perverted article
by rishi on Sep 27, 2007 07:31 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

Prasanna Zore... stop making your dirty mind work overtime by writing such malicious article. With journalists like you, who needs the Lashkar-e-Toiba and HUJI

Rediff should publish an apology for allowing this crap to come online

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RE:what a perverted article
by Dhosa on Sep 27, 2007 07:46 AM  Permalink
Very well said Rishi!!!

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RE:what a perverted article
by Jeffrey Mittal on Sep 27, 2007 08:58 AM  Permalink
Thye keep this on mainly to try and insitgate the people when the truth is otherwise.

This is another pseudo who has no business in the news business, only in the truth distorting leftist propoganda machinery

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What is going on??
by Vikram B on Sep 27, 2007 06:43 AM  Permalink 

In the first place, Prime minister should have announced 10lak award for all the players in "Team India" who won us World cup (entire 15 member squad)...

If PM/central body had done this, then there would not have been any room for regional partiality.

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by Mahesh on Sep 27, 2007 06:00 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

We have absolutely no restraint in our reactions. If they (team) lose a match we throw stones on their houses and if they win lift them on our head and go on a parade. Isn't there a way to celebrate without going beserk?

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by Shrujal Vakharia on Sep 27, 2007 11:16 AM  Permalink
I agree. People are just so used to emotional outburst.

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RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by syed ishaq on Sep 27, 2007 05:49 AM  Permalink

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RE:RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by Mahesh on Sep 27, 2007 06:01 AM  Permalink
You are not happy with your boss?

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RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by ritu sinha on Sep 27, 2007 10:48 AM  Permalink
You know u hv a problem with anyone stating the truth. Why bring in names of people who are not connected with this matter even remotely

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RE:RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by syed ishaq on Sep 27, 2007 06:15 AM  Permalink
Iam not happy with the extrimist LIKE YOU who are defending Modi for his idiotic thinking.
Grow up think beyond religion

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RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by Mahesh on Sep 27, 2007 06:41 AM  Permalink
Sonia, Mulayam and of course Karunanidhi are great leaders because they think beyond religion right???

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RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by syed ishaq on Sep 27, 2007 07:16 AM  Permalink
DR kalam,Vajpaye,DR Manmohan singh are great leaders. Who's vision is to develop India and bring unity among Indians. Not to divide and get votes Think Mature Indian and humanity first religion next
What do you think MR Mahesh ?

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RE:Truth : Modi extrimist Idiot
by Mahesh on Sep 27, 2007 11:43 AM  Permalink
You are right in your thinking but I wouldn't include Dr Singh in this list. He has proved that he is no better politician than those that divide people for votes. Also, the religious appeal in politics (both majority and minority religions) would disappear the day minority people reject those politicians that play minority appeasement politics just for votes.

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Why Cricket is encauraged in the cost of Other Sports?
by on Sep 27, 2007 05:45 AM  Permalink 

All politicians want is publicity. Why no one came out with any cash prize when India won Asia cup in Hockey. There should be a common policy of paying the prize. Hopefully politicians will treat everyone same.

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Are you there, Mr Zore?
by Purani Haveli on Sep 27, 2007 05:08 AM  Permalink 

Prasanna Zore, the news of Modi announcing a 5 lakh award to both the pathans calls for an apology from you on these very pages. Shows how perverted the political discourse is in India. Where every deed or non-deed of a certain social/political class is subject to a microscopic examination. And even a minor issue is used to whip up hatred against them.


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