Total Runs scored in test cricket by Uttar Pradesh Players = 900 (rounded off) Total Poulation of Uttar Pradesh = 166,052,859 Per capita contribution of Uttar Pradesh = 0.00000542 runs.
From official UP site ===================== Female literacy situation in Uttar Pradesh is dismal. Only one out of four in the 7 age group was able to read and write in 1991. This figure go down to 19 per cent for rural areas, 11 per cent for the scheduled castes, 8 per cent for scheduled castes in rural areas, and 8 per cent for the entire rural population in the most educationally backward districts. The 1981 census figures suggest that in Uttar Pradesh the crude female literacy rate among scheduled castes in rural Uttar Pradesh in 1981 was below 18 per cent in 18 out of Uttar Pradesh's 56 districts and below 2.5 per cent in a majority of districts.
RE:Education in UP
by ashish rawat on Nov 26, 2007 01:36 AM Permalink
tu kya UP ka thekedaar hai.. how is ur comment related to the topic.. r u one of the illiterates ?
RE:Education in UP
by ashish rawat on Nov 26, 2007 01:54 AM Permalink
okies.. my mistake i did nt check whole postings... u shud reply to such ppl... :)..
I told everyone in this forum that in the coming days Ganguly's value to the team as a bowler will come to the fore. You saw it in the ODI series, and u r seeing it now in the test series.
And hats off to him for playing in such fine spirit , taking on Shoaib Akhtar when he was firng on full cylinders (bowling above 150).
Shows you the fighting spirit of Ganguly. Also, kumble wants him to bowl more, thats the thing which is adding balance to the team.
Almost all social indicators of the state show that the state stands on 13th or 14th position among the sixteen major States. Bihar and in some cases Orissa, are the only two states which lag behind U.P. in terms of social development indicators like medical facilities, teacher-pupil ratio in primary schools, birth rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, literacy, per capita income, electrification of villages, per capita power consumption etc. Uttar Pradesh is often seen as a case study of development in a region of India that currently lag behind other parts of the country in terms of a number of important aspects of well being and social progress. Their region consists of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. There are important differences between these four states. But the cause of social backwardness in these four different States, never the less, appear to have much in common and recent comparative research have pointed to many similarities in the social, cultural and even political makeup of these states which have contributed to their backwardness.
RE:There we go!
by Humanvalue on Nov 26, 2007 01:25 AM Permalink
Now that is from the official UP site. Did you know they have a website. Is that not wonderful?
RE:There we go!
by Libran on Nov 26, 2007 01:27 AM Permalink
aA be, UP is heart of India. If you take out UP, India will not remain. Id that what you want?
RE:There we go!
by Humanvalue on Nov 26, 2007 01:31 AM Permalink
CORRECTION: UP is the STOMACH of INDIA ... the population there EATS up eaverything INDIA produces. There is a bacteria in INDIA's stomach called "ZINDA HOON" corrupting other organs and I am trying to KILL it.
RE:I went to establish a Lungi factory...
by Libran on Nov 26, 2007 01:22 AM Permalink
From what you write it looks like you are a northy migrated and now in Bangalore for a 'living' which means you would have been dead by now if you had not migrated.
But why this attitude of eat and sh*it in the same plate?
I hardly find Kannadigas bad at all. They may be cowards and not brave deshadrohis like you.