by amitabh goyal on Mar 30, 2007 03:35 PM Permalink
arre sona who asked ur comments ? i cundnt find anybody inviting u , what made u come here ?
Still have great regards for this man. Greatest comebacks but ONLY for personal accountability which everyone should understand. Look how he played against all those mediocre teams, against ordinary pace bowling. Ganguly its time to start taking care of your restaurant.
RE:RE:BYe bye
by rajesh agrawal on Mar 30, 2007 03:38 PM Permalink
it is not personal accountability other wise he also complete his century against Bermuda by playing defensive at the time when only 10 runs required for century
RE:Be Patriots
by vipin sharma on Mar 30, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
As far as "statism" is concerned u r wright. But dont include the whole community. Bengalis are intelligent, close to their rituals, art etc. Every state of India has its own speciality. U R WRONG I AM NOT BENGALI
RE:Be Patriots
by Anupam Khanna on Mar 30, 2007 03:29 PM Permalink
i completely agree with ur views... most of the bengalis i've met have this general mentality... its disgusting..
RE:Be Patriots
by jai hind on Mar 30, 2007 03:36 PM Permalink
don't blame bengalis dost...they r indeed true indians. but blame ganguly and the politics for bad cricket and this show off...
RE:Be Patriots
by siddharth on Mar 30, 2007 03:41 PM Permalink
yeah wats bengali n wats indian....?? u got ne fucin idea about hw a nation shuld be?? part of the mass tribe ur the guyz who shuld understand that cricket is a game n the spirit is important. it is u who shulld change ur obnoxious narrow views about independence and free will. u think kolkatans shuld reprimand him shows u liv in an barbarian age hole.....u talk about mentality though u think u don't have a mind of your own...u feed on that abstract nothingness of something called india which u haven't understood a shit about...... independence doesn't mean detachment mind you....people are still inter related n all of "us" need a space in this nation to "live" as a great and brave tribe. infact u depress the spirit of this great nation u hole....ur crystal mountains i hope are goin to be grounded soon ....n u dont giv space to others i say ur takin up too much space....n probs cuz of holes like u....the players have to be scared about and feel pressure for ur nothingness and not concentrate on the game....... u talk about progress...get on to the grond and make snse first ... cheerz for ur 'holistic' views mister..hope there r more around to 'beautify' india.
RE:Be Patriots
by Anil Kumar on Mar 30, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink
100% true. Well written. They are only concerned about ganguly and not the indian team.
RE:Be Patriots
by malay sinha on Mar 30, 2007 03:43 PM Permalink
They r bengalis only with unlimited stupid flavour. Dada could not have sense to retire, still he wants to break the record, what type bengali mentality? Please for the sake of INDIA Dada should get retirement. We don't want age old in indian cricket team. All the old great cricketers should retire.
RE:Be Patriots
by Abhishek Goswami on Mar 30, 2007 03:45 PM Permalink
Mr.Dave, I would have agreed with your statements to an extent had it not reeked with a zeal to over-simplify matters and place a gun on every bengali's temple...very myopic point of view,I must say.Why have you dragged the context of a mere game of bat and ball to insult and demean a cetain community? Is that what your "Indian-ness" teaches you? Don't you bull-shit the community here by saying that provincialism is a hallmark with bengalis and it's spread across the country as being bengal's legacy. To conclude, here's my 2 penny worth time you write on a public platform,stick to the topic and try to be tolerent(I'm sure it'd be a herculian task for you)of other communities and keep your dim-witted bigotries to yourself.
RE:RE:RE:Be Patriots
by sunil coth on Mar 30, 2007 03:40 PM Permalink
gangully performed well???!!!!......he is the culprit.....he should sack immediatly....
RE:Be Patriots
by siddharth on Mar 30, 2007 03:42 PM Permalink
yeah wats bengali n wats indian....?? u got ne idea about hw a nation shuld be?? part of the mass tribe ur the guyz who shuld understand that cricket is a game n the spirit is important. it is u who shulld change ur obnoxious narrow views about independence and free will. u think kolkatans shuld reprimand him shows u liv in an barbarian age hole.....u talk about mentality though u think u don't have a mind of your own...u feed on that abstract nothingness of something called india which u haven't understood a sh** about...... independence doesn't mean detachment mind you....people are still inter related n all of "us" need a space in this nation to "live" as a great and brave tribe. infact u depress the spirit of this great nation u hole....ur crystal mountains i hope are goin to be grounded soon ....n u dont giv space to others i say ur takin up too much space....n probs cuz of holes like u....the players have to be scared about and feel pressure for ur nothingness and not concentrate on the game....... u talk about progress...get on to the ground and make sense first ... cheerz for ur 'holistic' views mister..hope there r more around to 'beautify' india.
RE:Be Patriots
by Debashis Mukherjee on Mar 30, 2007 03:32 PM Permalink
dont say rubbish, the paragraph mentioned is enough for your prosecution against hurting the sentiments of mankind. So be Careful and better ask for apology so that you do not face any undue circumstances.I wonder how rediff allow such undue paras to be published. Does rediff team also enjoy hurting sentiments of mankind?
RE:Sourav Ganguly
by Dr. Abhijit Majumdar on Mar 30, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
I think this guy is from Telegu, as we the Telegu people are mentally ill and its nothing new. So, they do not understand cricket or anything, they understand only money. And they how to go to US or abroad.
RE:Sourav Ganguly
by Dr. Abhijit Majumdar on Mar 30, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
I think this guy is from south india! As we know 80% of south indians are mentally sick. They do not anything about cricket or even they never played cricket ever. They only know how to make comment and how to earn money and how to go to US or abroad.
RE:Sourav Ganguly
by rahul khanna on Mar 30, 2007 04:05 PM Permalink
Its not south Indians but you bengalis who are actually very very sick. For you Saurav is a god no matter what he does, the reason- he is a bangali. Just Stop praising people only and only coz of the reason that he is a bangali. COme out of your SHell you bangalis, grow up. Actually bengalis are very sentimental and emotional people and majority of them are without any work(Note I'm not talking o exceptions but of majority) so they suffer from an inferiority complex and thus whenever some bengali like Saurav comes to fame they just go mad and see him as their god and see their success in him. Thats the reason.
RE:Sourav Ganguly
by Sayan DuttaMajumdar on Mar 30, 2007 04:23 PM Permalink
yes you have find a wonderful reason.bcoz u have a lot of work.Who told you majority of them are without any work.Donot post any comment without half knowledge.Not just talk only for Gang talk for Sachin Dhoni also they also getting money from this match.In the coming day's u have a lot of work(not likes Bengali's) since u have to visit Rachi for treatment
Dada u infused that killing instinct in team India. The body language under ur leadership said " No Retreat No Surender". But the whole country was very diappointed after u made the comeback. U were there but that instinct was missing. This wa svery much visible at none other than whenever any indian bowler took a wicke tthe way tea celebrated it was very dull compared to ur time when everyone was re-energized. Why????
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by CHIKKU on Mar 30, 2007 03:36 PM Permalink
May be he needs to retire for his age, but he certainly did have a good comeback and he was good at the match... only player who played consistently from team India. That cannot be a reason to throw out someone from the team. Guess you need to follow cricket a bit more closely....
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by manoj kumar on Mar 30, 2007 03:46 PM Permalink
Its good to be 66 from 129 balls rather than being duck or out for a low score like dravid or tendulkar.Dravid was behind ganguly's ouster from the team . no one can argue abt the fact that ganguly is the best ever captain India Had. Captaincy is not abt technical skills . its abt leadership and need mental toughness Easier to balame somebody who tried to do something ? why are you not pointing fingers at some body who hasnt donme anything
We can say scahin played badly because he want to be the captaian??? will you say like that. by the way iam a Keralite
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by ChanC on Mar 30, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
abhi to captaincy ka doosra daud chalu karneka hai usko .... sab paapiyo ki nishaan hatana hai naa ...retirement to 2011 ke baad ..
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by Rishi Raj on Mar 30, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
Mr Murthy kindly go and check the records before making such irresponsible comments. Retirement for what???
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by manoj rao on Mar 30, 2007 03:33 PM Permalink
retirement for being most...unfit and most disintigrate player of the indian cricket team, the catch he leved on the ball of agarkar and the shot he played against srilanka....SHAME on MR.Gangully
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by Pushan Banerjee on Mar 30, 2007 03:28 PM Permalink
And what about Dravid? Nothing to him Mr. Murthy. It seems to me people like you treat 50's and 60's under pressure with disregard but ducks from Dravid get no mention. Sachin?? Biased comment from a very biased and racist person. Shame on people like you. India would be better without you.
by manoj rao on Mar 30, 2007 03:34 PM Permalink
Mr Banarjee.....Dravid and Sachin are more above gangully so plz don't compare them with gangully....its the insult of cricket and insult of india
RE:Warm welcome for Ganguly in Kolkata
by KK on Mar 30, 2007 03:48 PM Permalink
HI manoj, talking abt Sachin above ganguly one can understand .... but buddy ganguly is better then Dravid .. and there is no second thaught on tht ... check the record and then u will come to know ... its tht between 2005-2006 ganguly was not playing but before and after tht he is having good game ... he was good and aggressive captain ... see the example of Australian team their captain is so aggressive and this boost the moral of the team .... hope i am able to make my point clear
by on Mar 30, 2007 03:33 PM Permalink
It is because of biased supporters like you, the condition of our cricket is like this in our country. Ganguly never played for the cause of the team in any match.. Just played with most difficulty (strike rate 50-60%) just to cement his place in the team. He was the reason for bringing in groupism in the team.. Good bye Ganguly.
by hitesh tiwari on Mar 30, 2007 03:27 PM Permalink
all the innings he played was for self , how can a perosn score 60 from 130 balls against b'desh when yuvi scored 47 from 50 , and even against srilanka 6 from 23 or even against bermuda 88 from 113. he is not gangully we used to see eariler
by real rulz on Mar 30, 2007 03:34 PM Permalink
when the team is not performing, it is important that he stayed on the crease. What he did was right.
by ravi on Mar 30, 2007 03:34 PM Permalink
If gunguly wont play even 60, India would have Out for below 100. He played well, he played according to the situation. thats it. Dravid and sachin failed even that.
by manoj kumar on Mar 30, 2007 03:48 PM Permalink
hitesh, hwo can sachin score o and darvide out for a low score . What was their intentions ?? Was they making money by match fixing???
At last there is one sensible city in our cricket crazy Nation. We should understand that abusing and insulting players is not how we react to situations like these... Such reactions would only have a negative impact.
RE:setting examples
by on Mar 30, 2007 03:35 PM Permalink
Kolkaties are not sensible, Had Ganguly not performed well against Bangladesha and Barmuda, he could have got have same treatment or even worser. But they are fools also...... He performed against Bangladesh and Barmuda as in last world cup 2003 he hit centuries against Kenya. They forgot that SL dominated in third league match after Uthappa and GANGULY got out cheapely. But still Ganguly showed temprament.... Thumsup to him.
RE:setting examples
by Chilla Reddy on Mar 30, 2007 03:41 PM Permalink
I dont thik this shows the "sensibility of the city"...infact it proves the "selfishness of the city"...Whole india is disappointed with the exit of the team from WC...but you guyz seems to be happy for that...Ganguly is also responsible for that...bcz he has not played well in any one of the lost matches...ofcourse..played a bit against Bangladesh, infact it was too slow batting which could not bring us from the victory.
Do you call it sensitive to support only those players belonging to your own state , speaking your own language? Nothing against Saurav; great player; but people of this sensitive city were demanding to make saurav a captain even when he was not deserving a place in the team
RE:setting examples
by ravi on Mar 30, 2007 03:37 PM Permalink
what ever Thsi point of time , Only ganguly can lead the team for next 1.5 to 2 years. Dravid utter waste as captain. even sachin. so before making Yuvi as Captain, Ganguly should lead the team and Give soem victories to fill the confidence back in the players. Hope he will back as captain soon
At last there is one sensible city in our cricket crazy Nation. We should understand that abusing and insulting players is not how we react to situations like these... Such reactions would only have a negative impact.
RE:setting examples
by pranava rahul patil on Mar 30, 2007 03:31 PM Permalink
whats wrong in abusing them? They are representing more than a billion people and on top of that they are cashing in on the popularity viz. look at the number of endorsements. Do u think they dont get paid enough for playing a single one-day? The least they can do is to put up a decent performance. Looking at the way they played against Bangladesh, does one really believe that they were playing their hearts out to win. Overconfidence was the cause of their downfall. Anyway I truly beleive that they are answerable for their irresponsible actions. If you dont perform or atleast try to then u should be reprimanded.
RE:setting examples
by on Mar 30, 2007 03:39 PM Permalink
How can you boast the city which had booed our own cricket team.. All your citymates are happy that Ganguly top scored in all the matches.. where as he never played for the cause of the team. He was responsible for poor team spirit which was evident in the team. It seems he is more motivated to promote his sponsers 'Puma' rather than showing the team spirit by wearing team's travel jersies which the other team members wore when they landed in India. Good bye Ganguly.. you have made enough wealth by fooling all your statemates, including your politicians.. and you have cost us this world cup.. Better you look after your restaurant and stop playing cricket for the sake of millions of cricket followers in our country.