Indian team doent deserve a coach like Greg Chappel.They are not playing for the country anymore.They play only to make money and a selector like vengsarkar who knows the conditions in West Indies select a pathetic team.Virendar Shewag has been given a number of oppurtunities and he fails time and again.VVSLakshman on the other hand has always been given a step motherly treatment from the board.The selectors should not have bias in picking up the team for an event like the world cup. The present team under the captaincy of Dravid has time and again failed to live up to the reputation and players like yuaraj and Irfan who are not fit are selected.This exposes the selection committe headed by vengsarkar .
Playeres Like Kapil,Srikanth should take over the reigns from Vensarkar if India is to Win matchesas everybody in the country is aware these are the two players who played for the country and not for records.They go by merits.
Its because of Rahul Dravid Captaincy that srilanka could get 230 . What if Zaheer khan would not have been succeeded Then it must have been gone beyond 300 . I am wondering why Mr Dravid can not take the advantage of early start . He is not at all looking a captain. I have no wonder that if Sourabh does fail getting a good start then india surely ended up in loosing side.
I was bit dissapointed when i saw playing eleven,and not to see robin not playing,they should have not droped him because he failed in one match,he is quick learner. he is perfet as an opener with dada.Anyways lets see how shewag plays today,indian team lacks consistency,its not a good sing for the world cup which is ahead of this series,i hope indian team find asoloution for the wishes are with all of them.BEST OF LUCK AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GET THE WORLD CUP THIS TIME ATLEAST.