For most merciful God sake please please one billion billion times please give retirement to Sehwag and save Religion of Indian Cricket please please one billion billion times please.
lets wait dear, as Dravid say that he is need a one good knok, i don't thing that he will get a great knok even after worlcup. just don't discuse about sehwag. even it is bitter we need to solow that he is already in team india. 10 1 he is out of count. don't consider him. he will not find his form even after world cup. he is useless better they given chance to Patha or utappa. what do u think guys
by Chand Pasha on Feb 14, 2007 02:49 PM Permalink
ofcourse you will next Coach. Than please give me opportunity to select our guly boys who far better talent than our WC Team.
If we look back to 1983 WC team, we had more younger players who showed full enthusiasm to get us the WC.Dravid! Please keep aside your personal relationship and kick out Viru.May be then, we could get back the Cup!