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by Pradvin on Jan 06, 2006 04:34 PM  Permalink 

"I have performed for the past ten years" Yes.. we all know.. it is evident.

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Nice 2 hear
by Gopianand on Jan 06, 2006 02:41 PM  Permalink 

this is great 2 hear . i and all the indians will beleive that the BENGAL TIGER will pounce at the paks.my best wishes 4 ganguly and indian team.

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by stevie on Jan 06, 2006 02:37 PM  Permalink 

its not a very big deal that he hit 88 in Ranji,anybody in that circuit could have hit that.He is not suitable to be in that squad...

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Saurav's stance
by manish on Jan 06, 2006 02:09 PM  Permalink 

Nice to hear this...I am a strong critc of Saurav, but I think that he has still some cricket left...any indian who plays and watch cricket can say that earlier he used to bow so much that he couldn't get enough time to rise upstraight and play fast deliveries....but instead of advising him on this point ex players just wanted him to retire...this was primarily duty of John Wright to rectify this...I don't know what was he doing...no ex player also did this..don't know why....

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