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by Sauvik on Sep 29, 2005 04:09 PM  Permalink 

Mr Paniker went through the process but not fully.He told the truth but not the whole truth.The truth was
Mr Graig Chappel knew Ganguly will be his main obstacle in gaining full and total control of the team
affair Captain or no Captain.Rahul Dravid will not put
his neck as he does not have as good a success record
as Captain as Ganguly.He is not as asertive as Ganguly
and he is not sure of having total dedicated support
from his team mates if Ganguly is thown out of captain
TeamIndia and also from the team.Mr Chappel thought if
he can get it through not knowing Captain is selected by selection committee and not by coch.Ganguly on his
part took the success as Captain as benchmark and to
an extent overlooked towards his batting ability.Had he let two possible hunderds off in Pakistan for the
benifit of teams wining position his critics would have been less vocal on stastics.He faulted in one
principel of leadership-by example.Score tons of run
and leave the rest to follow you are secure.Tendulkar
failed as Captain but scored runs and no one talks of
it.Both faulted in their calculation and both need now
rectify to progress.


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Can Mr. Mahendra reply this mail ?
by vijaykumarbr on Sep 29, 2005 10:24 AM  Permalink  | Hide replies

It will be very interesting to read if Mr.Mahendra gave a reply for this article.

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Stop sounding like you have all the answers
by Sridhar Sundaram on Sep 29, 2005 08:59 AM  Permalink 

You are a senior journalist, and in my honest opinion, you need to stop sounding so judgmental in your articles, especially concerning the BCCI. You need to sound more positive and creative in your ideas rather than a cynical old man. That is the only way you are going to graduate to the next level - on par with Harsha Bhogle, Ravi Shastri, etc.
With reference to your article "Is Greg Chappell a liar, Mr Mahendra?":
What is so ridiculous about what the committee did? If there is a spat between two employees that report to you, as a responsible manager, wouldn't you encourage them to try and work together? or, would you buckle under public opinion and fire one of them just to look decisive? Clearly, Chappell wants a bigger role than any coach has had in Indian cricket. Ganguly, on the other hand, does not want to yield because he is already in a precarious position in the team due to his poor batting form. The Committee would have looked silly if they totally took one side or the other. They did the right thing by demarcating the roles of the Captain and the Manager, and also stating clearly that henceforth, everybody will be judged on merit alone.

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Is Chappel a liar, Mr Mahendra?
by Kaivalya on Sep 28, 2005 07:19 PM  Permalink 

hahaha...great article. Well said Prem. I doubt we will ever get an answer from the board. Let us all hope (as we have in the past) that the Indian cricket team can put this behind them and start to grow, as they did under the previous coach.

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