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by Diwakar Naidu on Oct 12, 2005 07:36 PM  Permalink 

I would say that the board should ask Ganguly to play for his place under Dravid and once he proves that he is worth a place and performs resembling leadership,he should be given the captaincy.it is just a matter of time.And can somebody explain y i feel that Sachin and Ganguly do not go along well

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by arun on Oct 11, 2005 08:32 PM  Permalink 

unnecessarily india is paying huge amount of money to the Aussie Coach. Instead hire a 2 to 3 Indian Coach. Rest of the money distribute to the backword class.

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Is Chappell a liar, Mr Mahendra?
by Prem Pujari on Oct 10, 2005 02:49 AM  Permalink 

Dear Prem,
Your question was answered by Greg Chapell himself in his interview to BBC.
It seems you have not heard what he had to say.

Your dissection of routine and predictable statements does not help to resolve anything.
Before you write such emotional speeches you need to ask yourself the following:

Take the time to make sure your posting will not embarrass you later. Writing is an art that
requires practice. Choose your words carefully.

Be Careful with Humor and Sarcasm. Without the voice inflections and body
language of personal communications, it is easy for a remark meant to be funny
to be misinterpreted. Subtle humor tends to get lost, so take steps to make
sure that people realize you are trying to be funny.

Here is my question to you. Is Greg Chapell a doctor to know the nuances of a player's injuries ? Then why does a physio travel with the team ?
Its not just Mahindra but also the administrative manager Amitabh Choudhary who has negated Chappell's claims in public.
It is also unlikely that VVS Laxman will go public on his complaint.


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about the issue of ganguly
by hemant kumar on Oct 07, 2005 10:04 PM  Permalink 

i want to ask only one thing that is ganguly's recent performance is good or enough to play in any national team. i think it's not enough then why he is playing for india and not only playing but leading the indian team.chappel is absolutely right.

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by omkar Rane on Oct 07, 2005 06:04 AM  Permalink 

i really think tht anguly shuld vacate his position and let the younger player make his roads ti the team who will not be afraid of facing fast bowling and giving excuses.And this is not only for ganguly all those plaers who are not performing should be eliminated

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schism in the Indian team
by david jayaprakash on Oct 06, 2005 03:47 PM  Permalink 

it it sad to hear abt the split...
the rue now is that a silly thing done 3 months ago has started to manifest...in a FILTHY way

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Is Chappell a liar,Mr Mahendra
by sai shivkumar on Oct 05, 2005 10:22 AM  Permalink 

Disgusting to go thru such kind of article.Mr Chappell doesn"t NEED any certificate from dirty politician like Mr Mahendra who actually need to prove his credentials as BCCI President.Looking at present BCCI Coterie^s deeds; it reminds Mohinder Amarnath^s famous remarks BUNCH OF JOKERS on BCCI. Pray GOD to grant BCCI a better sense forthwith on back drop of NATIONAL interest. Lets not play politics by taking sides,instead play a real competitive game of cricket which need guts to call SPADE A SPADE.Does BCCI pocess such kind of people? to

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what about lakshman?
by prasanth on Oct 04, 2005 06:21 PM  Permalink 

So what happened to all the stuff Lakshman went thru during this episode? He still remains there with no god-father to protect and the next couple of bad scores will see him out of the team for another few seasons. BCCI covered up the whole incident filling the hole with darkness and assuming(ass u and me)that the fans would think the whole mahayudh is over when it is far from it. From the days of match fixing saga(and Prem Panicker himself has addressed this), BCCI talks in public as if everyone else is retarded and would just believe anything they spit. They deny knowledge about things which will be in every news paper and magazine. Its too late to look for a change in the BCCI. There will be a Dalmiya or Muthaiah and its not worth thinking between the two of these "talented" gentlemen. It was a pity to see Ganguly taking a painful 101 against a pedestrian Zim bowling attack and then using that as a leverage for showing off his anger. Lets agree that he is no Mark Taylor to talk about being a tactician. He has done a neat job as captain but as the Aussies do it, sympathy and past records dont decide everything. If Kaif is suitable for the batting slot, let him in.

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