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reg dravid book release
by sureshhs on Nov 23, 2005 06:23 PM  Permalink 

indeed it is a great pleasure to see greg has left behind the issues and he is putting 100% effort and skill to build team india strong for the forthcoming world cup.
dravid has been always committed towards team india and he delivered the best everytime he plays.

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Nice Guy
by amarkcreddy on Nov 23, 2005 05:47 PM  Permalink 

dravid has qualities to become one of the great captains of Indian cricket He has the courage, he has the talent he is not only a role model for the team members but for all of us

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Dravid - The nice guy
by Amjad on Nov 23, 2005 09:05 AM  Permalink 

Time and again Rahul has shown that besides being nice, he has the steel in him to overcome tough situation. His graduation in one day cricket is a shining example of how a person with a dedicated and purposeful mind can conquer the defecencies. At the beginning of his career he was written off as a ODI player. How well he has improved his game and added value to the team is for everyone to see. I wish Rahul the very best and hope that he carries on to bat with the same purpose, intensity and courage. Being a committed member himself, he is a great example to follow for the youngsters in the team. One cannot guarantee results, but what one can guarantee is his attitude, committment, sincere efforts and pure dedication to the game. Well done Dravid - you have earned the position by sheer merit and hard-work, without a Godfather, which in itself is truly remarkable and you richly deserve it.

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areal hero
by SAGAR GHOSH on Nov 22, 2005 05:10 PM  Permalink 

Rahul Dravir is a real hero as well as an youth icon.He is someone anybody can follow.HE posses that much quality,that 1 biography is not enough for. He deserves 1000s of books on him.

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rahul dravid
by robin panwala on Nov 20, 2005 04:24 PM  Permalink 

a gutsy cricketer ! with a never say die attitude. a true fighter ! all the best wishes rahul !

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Dravid the great
by anjana rao on Nov 20, 2005 03:32 PM  Permalink 

He is the KING of all cricketers.he is cool as a cucumber.he leads the india team very very well.Best cricketer in the whole world.

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all the best rahul
by antony mark on Nov 19, 2005 06:57 PM  Permalink 

Hes the best thing that happened to indian cricket- all the best rahul & happy to know abt ur autobiography was released in ur home town bangalore

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Nice Guy
by Magesh.A.S. on Nov 19, 2005 04:57 PM  Permalink 

Dravid is deserved the title Nice Guy because of his Dedication and Attitude

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Chappell releases book on Dravid
by S.G.Nath on Nov 19, 2005 01:08 PM  Permalink 

Dravid is indeed a good captian- He is a man of abundance mentality,man of great humility, hard worker, appreicates his teammates for their contribution and cautions his team mates for non performance. He is balanced on all the sides- as a player, captian, team member and justified to the stakeholders not only to BCCI but to the entire country.I wish him all the very best.

Thanks to Mr. Dravid.
Your Well Wisher

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